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jueves, junio 21, 2007

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Threat (two CARICOM journalists expelled without justification)

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: Two CARICOM journalists expelled without justification
ANTIGUA ET BARBUDA: Deux journalistes ressortissants de la CARICOM,
expulsés sans raison précise vers leur pays d'origine

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


21 June 2007

Two CARICOM journalists expelled without justification

SOURCE: Reporters sans frontières (RSF), Paris

(RSF/IFEX) - Reporters Without Borders expressed surprise that the
government of Antigua and Barbuda expelled the former editor of the daily
"Antigua Sun", Vernon Khelawan, and a colleague of privately-owned Observer
Radio, Lennox Linton, on 12 and 13 June 2007.

Both men are citizens of countries of the Caribbean Community and Common
Market (CARICOM), with agreements allowing free movement for citizens of
its 15 member states and the worldwide press freedom organisation said it
found it hard to believe it was a straightforward administrative decision.

"The expulsion of Vernon Khelawan and Lennox Linton quite rightly gave rise
to strong feelings among journalists from the English-speaking Caribbean
and particularly within the Association of the Caribbean Media (ACM) which
represents them," the organisation said.

"The government of Antigua and Barbuda will have to explain this step,
which is contrary to the accords between CARICOM states. We hope that it is
not linked to the work of those involved," the organisation said, adding
that it would be helpful if the men's countries of origin, Dominica and
Trinidad and Tobago, reacted to the incident.

Trinidadian Khelawan and Linton, who is Dominican, were expelled 24 hours
apart, Khelawan first after he had just gone through Antigua customs upon
his arrival with no problem, and Linton the following day.

At the time of his expulsion, Khelawan, a freelance journalist, had said
that he was working on cooperation programmes between the ACM and United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). He had
been refused renewal of his work permit when it expired in December 2006
without any reason being given. The journalist said he believed it was a
"political decision".

The CARICOM countries are linked through regional integration agreements,
particularly the Chaguaramas treaty of 1973 (amended in 1997), which set up
a common market and makes it easier for the citizen of one country to work
in another. It was on this basis that the ACM and the Antigua and Barbuda
Media Congress (ABMC) strongly reacted to the expulsion of the two
journalists, stressing their involvement in the region's professional
bodies, the privately-owned daily Guyana "Stabroek News" reported.

The states of Dominica and Trinidad and Tobago, which are signatories of
the CARICOM treaties, have made no comment about the case.

For further information, contact Benoît Hervieu at RSF, 5, rue Geoffroy
Marie, Paris 75009, France, tel: +33 1 44 83 84 68, fax: +33 1 45 23 11 51,
e-mail:, Internet:

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of RSF.
In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit RSF.
555 Richmond St. West, # 1101, PO Box 407
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
tel: +1 416 515 9622 fax: +1 416 515 7879
alerts e-mail: general e-mail:
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IFEX - Nouvelles de la communauté internationale de défense de la liberté


Le 21 juin 2007

Deux journalistes ressortissants de la CARICOM expulsés sans raison précise
vers leur pays d'origine

SOURCE: Reporters sans frontières (RSF), Paris

(RSF/IFEX) - Reporters sans frontières est très surprise par les mesures
d'expulsion prises par le gouvernement d'Antigua et Barbuda contre l'ancien
rédacteur en chef du quotidien "Antigua Sun", Vernon Khelawan, et son
collègue de la station privée Observer Radio, Lennox Linton, les 12 et 13
juin 2007. L'organisation a du mal à croire à une simple décision
administrative, les deux hommes étant ressortissants de pays de la
Communauté du bassin des Caraïbes (CARICOM), dont les accords prévoient la
libre circulation des citoyens entre les quinze États membres.

"L'expulsion de Vernon Khelawan et de Lennox Linton a suscité, à juste
titre, une vive émotion parmi les journalistes de la Caraïbe anglophone, et
particulièrement au sein de l'Association des médias caribéens (ACM) qui
les représente. Le gouvernement d'Antigua et Barbuda se doit de fournir des
explications sur cette mesure, en principe contraire aux accords régissant
les États de la CARICOM. Nous espérons qu'elle n'est pas liée à l'activité
professionnelle des intéressés. Il serait utile que les États de la
Dominique et de Trinidad et Tobago réagissent", a déclaré l'organisation.

Vernon Khelawan, de nationalité trinidadienne, et Lennox Linton, citoyen de
l'île de la Dominique, ont été expulsés d'Antigua et Barbuda à vingt-quatre
heures d'intervalle, le premier le 12 juin, alors qu'il arrivait de
Trinidad et Tobago et venait de passer la douane d'Antigua sans problème,
et le second le lendemain. Au moment de son expulsion, Vernon Khelawan,
aujourd'hui journaliste indépendant, a confié qu'il travaillait sur des
programmes de coopération entre l'ACM et L'Organisation des Nations Unies
pour l'éducation, la science, et la culture (UNESCO). Le renouvellement de
son permis de travail, arrivé à expiration en décembre 2006, lui avait déjà
été refusé sans raison précise. Le journaliste a dénoncé une "décision
politique" à son encontre.

Les États de la CARICOM sont liés par des accords d'intégration régionale,
en particulier le traité de Chaguaramas de 1973 (révisé en 1997), qui
institue un marché commun et facilite la possibilité pour un ressortissant
d'un État de travailler dans un autre. C'est à l'appui de cet argument que
l'ACM et le Congrès des médias d'Antigua et Barbuda (ABMC) ont
vigoureusement réagi à l'expulsion des deux journalistes, en soulignant le
fort investissement de ces derniers dans les organismes professionnels de
la région, selon le quotidien privé du Guyana, "Stabroek News".

Les États de la Dominique et de Trinidad et Tobago, signataires des traités
de la CARICOM au même titre qu'Antigua et Barbuda, n'ont fait aucun
commentaire sur cette affaire.

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, veuillez contacter Benoît Hervieu,
RSF, 5, rue Geoffroy Marie, Paris 75009, France, tél: +33 1 44 83 84 68,
téléc: +33 1 45 23 11 51, courrier électronique:,

RSF est responsable de toute information contenue dans cette alerte. En
citant cette information, prière de bien vouloir l'attribuer à RSF.
555, rue Richmond Ouest, Bureau 1101, B.P. 407
Toronto (Ontario) M5V 3B1 Canada
tél: +1 416 515 9622 téléc: +1 416 515 7879
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YEMEN Flash (outspoken editor of Al-Shoura online newspaper detained on terrorism allegations)

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


20 June 2007

Outspoken editor of Al-Shoura online newspaper detained on terrorism

SOURCE: Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), New York

**For further information on previous harassment of Abdelkarim al-Khaiwani
(Abdulkareem Al-Khaiwani) see IFEX alerts of 5 March 2007, 23, 9 and 7
March 2005, and 17 and 7 September 2004**

(CPJ/IFEX) - The following is a 20 June 2007 CPJ press release:

Yemen: Editor detained on terrorism allegations

New York, June 20, 2007 - The Committee to Protect Journalists called on
Yemeni authorities to detail terrorism accusations it has leveled against
an opposition newspaper editor detained today by government forces at his
home in the capital, Sana'a.

At around noon on Wednesday, Yemeni security agents raided the home of
Abdelkarim al-Khaiwani, editor of the online newspaper Al-Shoura, which is
affiliated with the Popular Forces Union Party, several Yemeni journalists
and local news reports said. Al-Khaiwani was brought before a state
security prosecutor charged with handling terrorism cases. He is under
investigation for allegedly having ties to a terrorist cell associated with
rebels fighting government forces in the northwestern city of Saada,
journalists and news reports said. The prosecutor ordered al-Khaiwani held
for the next seven days, those sources said.

"We are troubled by the detention of Abdelkarim al-Khaiwani, and call on
officials to publicly disclose the evidence used to hold him," said CPJ
Executive Director Joel Simon. "While the accusations are serious, we
remain concerned that al-Khaiwani is being punished for his outspokenness."

According to Yemeni press reports, al-Khaiwani is being investigated for
alleged ties to 16 men and two women recently arrested for belonging to a
terrorist cell in Sana'a said to be affiliated with rebel leader Abdel
Malik al-Hawthi. Over the last three years, Al-Hawthi, his family members,
and their followers have battled Yemeni government forces in Saada.
Fighting was heavy until a ceasefire was reached in recent days.

Al-Khaiwani has been a harsh critic of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh
and, in particular, his government's fight against the rebels.

In 2004, as editor of what was then a print weekly, al-Khaiwani was
sentenced to a year in jail for incitement, insulting the president,
publishing false news, and causing tribal and sectarian discrimination.
Articles had criticized the government's conduct in the fighting and had
accused it of fostering terrorism with its actions.

For further information, contact Joel Campagna (x103) or Ivan Karakashian
(x104) at CPJ, 330 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001, U.S.A., tel: +1 212
465 1004, fax: +1 212 465 9568, e-mail:,,; Internet:

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of CPJ.
In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit CPJ.
555 Richmond St. West, # 1101, PO Box 407
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
tel: +1 416 515 9622 fax: +1 416 515 7879
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Boletín de titulares de Periodistas-es

Nombre:Samuel Valera Yepez

Nº de noticias enviadas: 4

Fecha:21-06-2007 6:05:26






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miércoles, junio 20, 2007


Editado por: Equipo de Redacción OLA    ---------------------------------------------------- 19 de junio 2007

Un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Tolima se congregaron frente a las instalaciones del periódico El Nuevo Día, el pasado 13 de junio, para protestar contra la línea informativa de dicho medio de comunicación.
Días atrás salió publicado un artículo en el citado diario donde se denunciaban actos de violencia cometidos por universitarios de dicha casa de estudios superiores.
El último 12 de junio, dos reporteros de El Nuevo Día, identificados como Adriana Montealegre y Helmer Parra, fueron desalojados por la fuerza del coliseo cubierto de la Universidad de Tolima cuando cubrían una asamblea entre los estudiantes y las autoridades.

El columnista Francisco Rodríguez informó que ha sido amenazado de muerte en dos ocasiones en las últimas dos semanas por el mismo funcionario público. 
El autor de las amenazas, señaló el columnista, es un funcionario del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INEGI), Lino Arturo Vera Pérez, quien se desempeña como coordinador administrativo y quien habría instruido a uno de sus allegados para que cumpla las amenazas. 
Rodríquez es columnista de más de una decena de periódicos tanto de la Ciudad de México como del interior del país, además de conducir un programa de noticias en radio que se escucha en 37 emisoras del país. Reside en la Ciudad de México, y recibió los correos con las amenazas en su buzón electrónico. 
El columnista señaló que después de conocer por primera vez las amenazas, corroboró con fuentes propias y le fue confirmado que éstas se produjeron y que el funcionario encargó a un colaborador suyo, Wenceslao Sánchez, a llevar a cabo las amenazas. 
Recibió el primer correo amenazador el último 2 de junio. El periodista escribió en su columna del día 6 de junio, "Acuso recibo de la amenaza personal y en contra de mi familia, CP Lino Vera Pérez. Ya sé que el agresor designado es Wenceslao Sánchez, quien sólo sabe y puede abusar de las mujeres del INEGI. Tomo las providencias del caso". 
En la columna del 18 de junio, el periodista señala, "Yo sueño, como muchos, morir en mi cama. Así que si, por favor, alguien puede detener preventivamente a Wenceslao, se lo voy agradecer". 
Las amenazas habrían seguido a la publicación de textos del periodista donde da cuenta de la corrupción y control que mantiene el funcionario pasando incluso por encima funcionarios de más alto nivel y el uso de métodos violentos.

Bajo el lema "Ni silenciosos, ni silenciados", el gremio de la prensa peruana, encabezado por la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú, y otras organizaciones de la radio y televisión, protestarán ante la Embajada de Venezuela, este jueves 21, al mediodía, por la suspensión de las transmisiones de Radio Caracas Televisión y en solidaridad con los periodistas venezolanos. 
Al acto en protesta ante los hechos que colisionan gravemente los derechos de pensamiento, opinión, expresión y difusión de la información del pueblo venezolano, se sumarán periodistas de todos los medios de comunicación. 
El acto de protesta ha sido convocado para las 12:00 horas. En el se pretende dejar constancia ante la representación diplomática del gobierno de dicho país que toda regimentación es lesiva al derecho de las personas de acceder a los medios por propia voluntad y no por la imposición del poder político.
La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú rechaza toda posibilidad de un mundo de silenciosos o silenciados.


La Oficina de Control de la Magistratura (OCMA) inició el lunes 18 de junio, una visita de inspección y control del juicio que efectúa la Sala Penal Superior de Ucayali por el asesinato del periodista Alberto Rivera Fernández, como medida preventiva ante la posible comisión de hechos irregulares en el desarrollo de este proceso.
La inspección, a cargo de un magistrado de la Unidad Operativa Móvil de la OCMA que viajó a Pucallpa, se realiza por orden de la jefa de dicho organismo, Elcira Vásquez Cortez.
"El objetivo de la pesquisa es verificar el cumplimiento de los plazos procesales y el respeto al debido proceso, en el juicio público que se desarrolla contra un grupo de acusados como presuntos autores intelectuales del homicidio del periodista", informó la OCMA.
La OCMA precisó que la intervención del magistrado de la Unidad Operativa Móvil "está circunscrita a la indagación del comportamiento funcional de los magistrados que tienen a su cargo el proceso penal y en el caso de que se hallen irregularidades se adoptarán las medidas de control necesarias, con el conocimiento de la doctora Vásquez".
La Sala Penal de Ucayali tiene a cargo el juzgamiento a los presuntos autores intelectuales del asesinato de Rivera, entre ellos el alcalde Luis Valdez Villacorta y al ex vocal Solio Ramírez Garay, en tanto, los autores materiales ya fueron juzgados y condenados. 


Los periodistas Doris Cornejo, de Canal N, Jimy Salinas, de América Televisión y Carlos Sanabria, de radio Melodía, denunciaron que fueron agredidos por  un grupo de manifestantes en la ciudad de Arequipa.
En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) Salinas informó que a las 14:00 horas del miércoles 20 de junio, cuando cubría información en el paro convocado por el Frente de Defensa de Arequipa, fue golpeado, junto a otros periodistas, por una turba de manifestantes.
"Nos empezaron a lanzar piedras. A mi me impactó una en la pierna, y una botella a la altura del pecho", explicó Salinas, quien indicó que tienen grabadas las imágenes de la agresión. 
Doris Cornejo, periodista de Canal N dijo que tuvieron que esconder la cámara para evitar que la dañaran.
Sostuvo que la manifestación estuvo resguardada sólo por ocho policías, quienes necesitaron de la llegada de otro contingente policial para que les ayudaran a guardar los equipos y ponerlos a salvo.


El periodista Francisco Rodríguez Robles, conductor del informativo Sin Fronteras y de la revista Foro del Aire de radio Huaraz Estéreo, en la ciudad de Huaraz, denunció que fue agredido por una turba de manifestantes del Sindicato  Unitario de Trabajadores en la Educación del Perú  (Sutep).
En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) Francisco Robles informó que a las 11:00 horas del miércoles 20 de junio, cuando cubría información sobre la marcha de protesta realizada por los integrantes del SUTEP-Huaraz, fue rodeado por un grupo de manifestantes, quienes lo golpearon en el rostro y en otras partes del cuerpo.
"Me rodearon y me comenzaron a golpear en la cara y luego me dieron algunos puntapiés. Tuve que refugiarme de los agresores en una tienda cercana" , explicó Núñez. 


El periodista Fredy Mamani Quenta director del mensuario Nuevo Vocero Melgarino, en la provincia de Melgar, región de Puno, denunció que ha sido querellado.
En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), Fredy Mamani informó que la denuncia la ha  presentado Atilio Huamán Tapara, alcalde del distrito de Nuñoa, provincia de Melgar, por el presunto delito de difamación agravada.
"He sido notificado por el juez mixto de Melgar, Alexander Roque Díaz, para brindar mi declaración, el lunes 18 de junio" , explicó Mamani. 
El periodista informó que ha sido denunciado por informar algunos actos irregulares en su mensuario.
"El alcalde ha solicitado una reparación civil de 30 mil soles (9500 dólares)", explicó el comunicador social.

Alejandro Vivas, subsecretario nacional de Copei Partido Popular, en nombre de la organización política que representa, se unió a la convocatoria de la marcha que realizó el pasado lunes la Organización Unidos por la Libertad de Expresión, pautada para el 27 de junio, Día Nacional del Periodista.
"Copei Partido Popular estará presente en la marcha convocada por los periodistas, para apoyarlos en la ardua labor que cumplen día a día y sobre todo en épocas tan criticas, donde la libertad de expresión se encuentra tan amenazada por el Gobierno nacional", dijo Vivas. 
Recordó que ese mismo día se cumple un mes de la salida del aire de Radio Caracas Televisión; de la misma manera anunció que junto a toda la militancia de la tolda verde, acompañaran a los profesionales de la comunicación social para exigir al Ejecutivo nacional "el regreso de RCTV a las pantallas de los televisores de todos los venezolanos".
Asimismo hizo un llamado a los demás partidos políticos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil a que se sumen a la convocatoria de la gran marcha de los periodistas.

Esta información es responsabilidad del Observatorio Latinoamericano para la Libertad de Expresión de la Federación Latinoamericana de Trabajadores de la Comunicación Social (FELATRACS).
Para mayor información agradeceremos contactarnos vía e-mail:
; web: o a los teléfonos: (51 1) 4270687, fax (51 1) 4278493


Alerta Perú (PUNO)

El periodista Fredy Mamani Quenta director del mensuario Nuevo Vocero Melgarino, en la provincia de Melgar, región de Puno, denunció que ha sido querellado.

En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), Fredy Mamani informó que la denuncia la ha  presentado Atilio Huamán Tapara, alcalde del distrito de Nuñoa, provincia de Melgar, por el presunto delito de difamación agravada.
"He sido notificado por el juez mixto de Melgar, Alexander Roque Díaz, para brindar mi declaración, el lunes 18 de junio" , explicó Mamani. 

El periodista informó que ha sido denunciado por informar algunos actos irregulares en su mensuario.
"El alcalde ha solicitado una reparación civil de 30 mil soles (9500 dólares)", explicó el comunicador social.

Esta alerta es responsabilidad de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú.
Para mayor información contactar con Roberto Mejía Alarcón, responsable de la Oficina de los Derechos Humanos del Periodista; Zuliana Lainez y Carlos Juárez Córdova. Jirón Huancavelica 320, oficina 504, Lima-Perú. Tel (511) 4270687. Fax (51 1) 4278493. Web:; E-mail:  


Alerta Perú (HUARAZ)

El periodista Francisco Rodríguez Robles, conductor del informativo Sin Fronteras y de la revista Foro del Aire de radio Huaraz Estéreo, en la ciudad de Huaraz, denunció que fue agredido por una turba de manifestantes del Sindicato  Unitario de Trabajadores en la Educación del Perú  (Sutep).

En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) Francisco Robles informó que a las 11:00 horas del miércoles 20 de junio, cuando cubría información sobre la marcha de protesta realizada por los integrantes del SUTEP-Huaraz, fue rodeado por un grupo de manifestantes, quienes lo golpearon en el rostro y en otras partes del cuerpo.
"Me rodearon y me comenzaron a golpear en la cara y luego me dieron algunos puntapiés. Tuve que refugiarme de los agresores en una tienda cercana" , explicó Núñez. 

El periodista informó que un día antes de los hechos, había entrevistado a César Saragoza, Secretario General del Sutep, en la ciudad de Huaraz.
"He denunciado la agresión ante la comisaría de Huaraz. La policía mediante oficio Nº 690-2007-III-DTP-T-RPA/COM.PNP-HZ-SIDF ha solicitado al médico Legista de la ciudad de Huaraz el reconocimiento médico respectivo", explicó Núñez Borja, quien dijo haber reconocido a uno de los agresores.
Informó, asimismo, que solicitará las garantías personales respectivas..
Se solicita remitir apelaciones al titular del Ministerio del Interior, para que de oficio dispongan a quien corresponda la investigación inmediata del hecho, la individualización de responsabilidades y la sanción que prevea la ley a quienes resulten responsables.

Ministerio del Interior
Fax (51 1) 2257234

Esta alerta es responsabilidad de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú.

Para mayor información contactar con Roberto Mejía Alarcón, responsable de la Oficina de los Derechos Humanos del Periodista; Zuliana Lainez y Carlos Juárez Córdova. Jirón Huancavelica 320, oficina 504, Lima-Perú. Tel (511) 4270687. Fax (51 1) 4278493. Web:; E-mail:


Alerta Perú (AREQUIPA)


Los periodistas Doris Cornejo, de Canal N, Jimy Salinas, de América Televisión y Carlos Sanabria, de radio Melodía, denunciaron que fueron agredidos por  un grupo de manifestantes en la ciudad de Arequipa.

En comunicación con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) Salinas informó que a las 14:00 horas del miércoles 20 de junio, cuando cubría información en el paro convocado por el Frente de Defensa de Arequipa, fue golpeado, junto a otros periodistas, por una turba de manifestantes.

"Nos empezaron a lanzar piedras. A mi me impactó una en la pierna, y una botella a la altura del pecho", explicó Salinas, quien indicó que tienen grabadas las imágenes de la agresión. 

Doris Cornejo, periodista de Canal N dijo que tuvieron que esconder la cámara para evitar que la dañaran.
Sostuvo que la manifestación estuvo resguardada sólo por ocho policías, quienes necesitaron de la llegada de otro contingente policial para que les ayudaran a guardar los equipos y ponerlos a salvo.
Se solicita remitir apelaciones al titular del Ministerio del Interior, para que de oficio dispongan a quien corresponda la investigación inmediata del hecho, la individualización de responsabilidades, y la sanción que prevea la ley a quienes resulten responsables.

Ministerio del Interior
Fax (51 1) 2257234

Esta alerta es responsabilidad de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú.

Para mayor información contactar con Roberto Mejía Alarcón, responsable de la Oficina de los Derechos Humanos del Periodista; Zuliana Lainez y Carlos Juárez Córdova. Jirón Huancavelica 320, oficina 504, Lima-Perú. Tel (511) 4270687. Fax (51 1) 4278493. Web:; E-mail:



La Oficina de Control de la Magistratura (OCMA) inició el lunes 18 de junio, una visita de inspección y control del juicio que efectúa la Sala Penal Superior de Ucayali por el asesinato del periodista Alberto Rivera Fernández, como medida preventiva ante la posible comisión de hechos irregulares en el desarrollo de este proceso.
La inspección, a cargo de un magistrado de la Unidad Operativa Móvil de la OCMA que viajó a Pucallpa, se realiza por orden de la jefa de dicho organismo, Elcira Vásquez Cortez.
"El objetivo de la pesquisa es verificar el cumplimiento de los plazos procesales y el respeto al debido proceso, en el juicio público que se desarrolla contra un grupo de acusados como presuntos autores intelectuales del homicidio del periodista", informó la OCMA.

La OCMA precisó que la intervención del magistrado de la Unidad Operativa Móvil "está circunscrita a la indagación del comportamiento funcional de los magistrados que tienen a su cargo el proceso penal y en el caso de que se hallen irregularidades se adoptarán las medidas de control necesarias, con el conocimiento de la doctora Vásquez".

La Sala Penal de Ucayali tiene a cargo el juzgamiento a los presuntos autores intelectuales del asesinato de Rivera, entre ellos el alcalde Luis Valdez Villacorta y al ex vocal Solio Ramírez Garay, en tanto, los autores materiales ya fueron juzgados y condenados.

Rivera, quien conducía el programa Transparencia en radio Frecuencia Oriental de Pucallpa, fue asesinado el 21 de abril del 2004 debido a sus permanentes críticas contra distintas autoridades regionales.

Esta alerta es responsabilidad de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú.

Para mayor información contactar con Roberto Mejía Alarcón, responsable de la Oficina de los Derechos Humanos del Periodista; Zuliana Lainez y Carlos Juárez Córdova. Jirón Huancavelica 320, oficina 504, Lima-Perú. Tel (511) 4270687. Fax (51 1) 4278493. Web:; E-mail:

MEXICO Flash (journalist receives death threats for reporting on government employee's alleged corruption)

MÉXICO: Columnista amenazado de muerte por reportajes sobre presunta
corrupción de funcionario público
MEXICO: Journalist receives death threats for reporting on government
employee's alleged corruption

IFEX - Noticias de la comunidad internacional de la libertad de expresión


el 20 de junio de 2007

Columnista amenazado de muerte por reportajes sobre presunta corrupción de
funcionario público

FUENTE: Centro de Periodismo y Etica Publica (CEPET), San Miguel de Allende

(CEPET/IFEX) - Lo que sigue es un comunicado de CEPET, un miembro
provisional de IFEX, con fecha del 18 de junio de 2007:

Amenazas de muerte contra columnista

México, 18 de Junio, 2007 - El columnista Francisco Rodríguez informó hoy
que ha sido amenazado de muerte en dos ocasiones en las últimas dos semanas
por el mismo funcionario público. El autor de las amenazas, señaló el
columnista en su colaboración de hoy, es un funcionario del Instituto
Nacional de Estadística (INEGI), Lino Arturo Vera Pérez, quien se desempeña
como coordinador administrativo y quien habría instruido a uno de sus
allegados para que cumpla las amenazas.

Rodríquez es columnista de más de una decena de periódicos tanto de la
Ciudad de México como del interior del país, además de conducir un programa
de noticias en radio que se escucha en 37 emisoras del país. Reside en la
Ciudad de México, y recibió los correos con las amenazas en su búzon

El columnista señaló que después de conocer por primera vez las amenazas,
corroboró con fuentes propias y le fue confirmado que éstas se produjeron y
que el funcionario encargó a un colaborador suyo, Wenceslao Sánchez, a
llevar a cabo las amenazas. Recibió el primer correo amenazador el 2 de
junio de 2007; el periodista escribió en su columna del día 6 de junio,
"Acuso recibo de la amenaza personal y en contra de mi familia, CP Lino
Vera Pérez. Ya sé que el agresor designado es Wenceslao Sánchez, quien sólo
sabe y puede abusar de las mujeres del INEGI. Tomo las providencias del

En la columna del 18 de junio, el periodista señala, "Yo sueño, como
muchos, morir en mi cama. Así que si, por favor, alguien puede detener
preventivamente a Wenceslao, se lo voy agradecer".

Las amenizas habrían seguido a la publicación de textos del periodista
donde da cuenta de la corrupción y control que mantiene el funcionario
pasando incluso por encima funcionarios de más alto nivel y el uso de
métodos violentos.

El CEPET exhorta a las autoridades a que tomen acciones para investigar los
hechos y para prevenir posibles agresiones a la integridad física del
periodista y su familia.

Para mayor información, comunicarse con Leonarda Reyes, directora de CEPET,
Mesones 14-5, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 37700 México, teléf: +52
415 152 3197, fax: +52 415 152 3197, correo electrónico:,, sitio Internet:

Esta información es responsabilidad del CEPET. Favor de reconocer al CEPET
al difundirla.
555 Richmond St. West, # 1101, PO Box 407
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
teléf: +1 416 515 9622 fax: +1 416 515 7879
correo electrónico: buzón general:
sitio Internet:
IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


20 June 2007

Journalist receives death threats for reporting on government employee's
alleged corruption

SOURCE: Center for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET), San Miguel de

(CEPET/IFEX) - The following is an 18 June 2007 statement from CEPET, an
interim member of IFEX:

Death threats against columnist

Mexico, 18 June 2007 - Columnist Francisco Rodríguez announced today that
he has received two death threats in the last two weeks from the same
public employee. The source of the threats, according to a column Rodríguez
published on 18 June 2007, is Lino Arturo Vera Pérez, an employee of the
National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estadística,
INEGI).Vera Pérez is the institute's administrative coordinator. He has
apparently instructed someone close to him to kill Rodríguez.

Rodríguez is a columnist for more than a dozen newspapers throughout the
country, as well as the host of a radio news programme broadcast by 27
different radio stations. He lives in Mexico City, and received the threats
by e-mail.

Rodríguez said that after the first threat, which arrived on 2 June, he
checked with his own sources, who confirmed that the threats were genuine,
and found out that Vera Pérez had put a supporter of his, Wenceslao
Sánchez, in charge of carrying out the threat. In his 6 June column,
Rodríguez wrote, "I acknowledge receiving a threat to me and my family,
from chartered accountant Lino Vera Pérez. I know that the person
designated to perpetrate this act of aggression is Wenceslao Sánchez, who
only knows how to abuse the women working at INEGI, and is in a position to
do so. I am taking appropriate measures to deal with this case."

In his 18 June column, Rodríguez commented, "Like most people, I'd like to
die of old age in my own bed. So, I'd be grateful if someone would put
Wenceslao in preventive custody."

The threats were made following the publication of articles in which
Rodríguez commented on Vera Pérez's corruption and use of violence, as well
as the control he exercises, even over public employees holding positions
of higher rank than he does.

CEPET urges the authorities to investigate these incidents and to prevent
any act of aggression that would endanger the journalist or his family

For further information, contact Leonarda Reyes, Director, at CEPET,
Mesones 14-5, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 37700 Mexico, tel: +52 415
152 3197, fax: +52 415 152 3197, e-mail:,,

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of
CEPET. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
tel: +1 416 515 9622 fax: +1 416 515 7879 alerts e-mail:
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IFEX Autolist - Mali (RSF appeals for release of journalist and teacher imprisoned for insulting president in essay subject)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Reporters Without Borders (RSF),

La version française suit. The French version follows.

18 June2007

Journalist and teacher imprisoned for insulting president in essay subject

Reporters Without Borders appealed today to Malian President Amadou Toumani
Touré to intercede to obtain the release of Seydina Oumar Diarra, a
journalist with the privately-owned daily Info-Matin, and Bassirou Kassim
Minta, a literature teacher in a Bamako secondary school, who have been
detained since 14 June on a charge of insulting the president.

The two men were arrested on the state prosecutor's orders because of a 1
June article by Diarra, headlined "Lycée Nanaïssa Santara: the president's
mistress," about a humorous essay subject that Minta gave his final-year
literature students – the story of a "female student and economic
prostitute" who became pregnant by a fictitious president and fought for
her child to be recognised.

"The result of a prosecutor's absurd zeal, these two arrests are worthy of
another age and are clearly an abuse of authority," Reporters Without
Borders said. "The president should show that Malian democracy allows
teachers and journalists to be free with humour and even insolence. Mali's
political stability in recent years has been widely hailed, partly because
press freedom violations had ended and the media had been peacefully
incorporated into the country's democratic development. This case sullies
this image and shows that press freedom is still fragile."

Detained in the capital's main prison, Diarra and Minta are due to appear
before a criminal court on 26 June.

Reporters sans frontières
Communiqué de presse
18 juin 2007


Un enseignant et un journaliste écroués pour "offense au chef de l'Etat"
après une dissertation sur un président imaginaire

Reporters sans frontières appelle le président malien, Amadou Toumani
Touré, à intervenir pour permettre la libération de Seydina Oumar Diarra et
Bassirou Kassim Minta, respectivement journaliste du quotidien privé
Info-Matin et enseignant dans un lycée de Bamako, incarcérés depuis le 14
juin 2007 pour "offense au chef de l'Etat".

"Conséquence du zèle absurde d'un procureur, cette double incarcération,
digne d'un autre âge, est manifestement abusive. Le président de la
République doit montrer que la démocratie malienne permet aux enseignants
et aux journalistes du pays de manier librement l'humour, voire même
l'insolence. Ces dernières années, le Mali avait connu une stabilité
politique unanimement saluée, notamment parce que les atteintes à la
liberté de la presse avaient cessé et que les médias avaient été intégrés
pacifiquement au développement démocratique. Cette affaire ternit son image
et montre que la liberté de la presse est toujours précaire", a déclaré

Seydina Oumar Diarra et Bassirou Kassim Minta, professeur de lettres et
censeur du Lycée Nanaïssa Santara, ont été arrêtés par la gendarmerie après
que le procureur de la République s'est autosaisi d'une plainte, suite à la
publication d'un article intitulé "Lycée Nanaïssa Santara : la maîtresse du
président de la République !". Le texte, paru le 1er juin, reprenait et
commentait un sujet de dissertation au ton burlesque donné par l'enseignant
à ses élèves de 10e Lettres, dans lequel une "étudiante, prostituée
économique" tombait enceinte d'un chef d'Etat imaginaire et se battait pour
la reconnaissance de son enfant. Ecroués à la prison centrale de la
capitale, les deux hommes doivent comparaître le 26 juin devant le tribunal
correctionnel de première instance de Bamako 3.


Bureau Afrique / Africa desk
Reporters sans frontières / Reporters Without Borders
5, rue Geoffroy-Marie
75009 Paris, France
Tel : (33) 1 44 83 84 76
Fax : (33) 1 45 23 11 51
Email : /
Web :

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responsibility of RSF**
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IFEX autoliste - Mali (l’UJAO exige la libération du journaliste Seydina Oumar Diarra)

To: IFEX autoliste (autres nouvelles d'intérêt)
From: Union des Journalistes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UJAO),

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:12 AM


Seydina Oumar Diarra en prison: l'UJAO dénonce et exige sa libération

Bamako, 16 juin -Le journaliste malien Seydina Oumar Diarra du quotidien
Info Matin est détenu à la Prison de Bamako depuis le jeudi 14 juin 2007.

M. Diarra a été inculpé par le Procureur pour «Offense au Chef de l'Etat»,
suite à la publication, le 1er juin dernier, sous le titre «La maîtresse du
Président de la République», d'un commentaire et du texte d'un sujet
controversé de dissertation donné à des élèves d'un lycée de Bamako par un
professeur et censeur dans l'établissement. Ce dernier est également en

Les journalistes et responsables des médias et associations de Presse au
Mali ont souligné le caractère arbitraire de l'arrestation de Seydina

L'Union des Journalistes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest dénonce cette arrestation
et exige la libération immédiate de Seydina Oumar Diarra.

Dans un message aux plus hautes autorités maliennes, le Président de
l'UJAO, Ibrahim Famakan Coulibaly, demande la libération de M. Diarra,
déplorant que «au moment où un mouvement d'ensemble est entrepris pour la
consolidation de la Liberté de la Presse et où des progrès sont notés dans
ce sens en Afrique de l'Ouest, le Mali vienne donner un très mauvais
exemple, par un acte qui constitue un recul grave dans ce pays ».

L'UJAO regroupe les organisations des Journalistes des 16 pays de l'Afrique
de l'Ouest.

Ibrahim Famakan Coulibaly, Président : Tél. (223) 643 28 31 – Courriel:
Diatou Cissé Badiane, Secrétaire Générale : Tel (221) 842 01 41 -
Courriel :

Alpha A. SALL, Expert Projet Renforcement Capacités : (221) 633 47 3 –
(223) 305 11 71 -

Union des Journalistes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest ( UJAO)
17, Boulevard de la République Dakar Sénégal
BP 21 722 Dakar Ponty Sénégal
Tél: ( 221) 842 01 41
Fax: ( 221) 842 02 69
Email Président:
Email SG:

**UJAO est responsable de toute information contenue dans ce message**

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IFEX Autolist - Russia (WAN remembers murdered journalist Anna Politkovskaya as publishing expo opens in Moscow)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: World Association of Newspapers (WAN),

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:52 AM

WAN/Russia Publishing Expo

The following is a welcome message by Timothy Balding, CEO of the World
Association of Newspapers, for the catalogue of Publishing Expo 2007, the
annual expo & conference of the Russian publishing industry, which opened
today in Moscow.

The event in the life of the Russian press that has marked me, and the rest
of the international publishing community, in the past year has been
without any doubt the savage murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

Anna who? In the past ten years that I have been a regular visitor to
Russia, a country that I love greatly, this has been the inevitable
question from publishers and editors when I have asked them what they
thought of Anna and her sulfurous reputation as a passionaria of free and
independent journalism in your country, a woman ready to break every taboo
and to write fearlessly about, above all, the misconduct and brutality of
the war in Chechnya.

Anna who? This is no longer a question for anybody in the streets of Paris,
New York or Tokyo - and I hope that I can today say the same about Moscow
or Saint Petersburg, though I'm not sure. But it took her death to make
her a celebrity, where even today there probably isn't a single other
Russian journalist, editor, publisher or media owner whose name means the
slightest thing outside the borders of your country.

Why do I bring up Ms Politkovskaya's tragic murder in the catalogue of a
publishing exhibition and conference that will deal with technology,
advertising, circulation, marketing, distribution and other facets of the
day-to-day operations of a press company?

I'll tell you why. Because the finality of all your efforts to develop a
profitable, commercially-viable newspaper industry in Russia, prospering
from the lifeblood of advertising and selling to the highest possible
number of Russian citizens, is to free your journalists to investigate and
report on all aspects, even the most sombre, of the life of your country,
in full independence and without fear or favour of the powerful lobbies,
whether in politics or business, who dominate public life in your country.
Without your efforts and talent, this will never be possible.

As you listen and learn here at Publishing Expo 2007 how to do your jobs
better and develop and strengthen your publications and their
profitability, I appeal to you not to lose sight of this objective: the
role of the press is, certainly, to entertain and inform; but it's much
more important that that. The press is a fundamental, vital player in
democracy, empowering the citizen to make the right choices by making sure
that he or she is fully aware of what's going on in your country, in
business and in the circles of power, uncovering abuses in every field of
public life and revealing misdoings in the most honest and free manner

Whether you work in advertising, in marketing, in distribution or in
business development, you are making a vital contribution towards the
realization of these noble objectives and the continuing development of a
modern democracy in Russia. Good luck to all.

Timothy Balding
Chief Executive Officer
World Association of Newspapers

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responsibility of WAN**

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IFEX Autolist - Uzbekistan (Human Rights Watch relieved at release of activist from Andijan)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Human Rights Watch,

Uzbekistan: Activist From Andijan Released on Parole

(New York, June 15, 2007) – A court in Uzbekistan's Andijan province
released human rights defender Gulbahor Turaeva on parole, Human Rights
Watch said today. On June 12, an appeals court commuted her six-year prison
term, handed down by a lower court in April, to a six-year suspended

"We are enormously relieved that Gulbahor Turaeva is with her family and
her four children again," said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia
director at Human Rights Watch. "She should never have been jailed in the
first place."

On April 24, Turaeva was tried and convicted on politically motivated
charges of so-called anti-constitutional activities, slander, and producing
and spreading materials that threaten public order. Two weeks later, on May
7, Turaeva was convicted on additional slander charges in a second trial
and sanctioned with a fine in addition to her prison term.

The charges in the first trial were based on allegations that Turaeva had
brought into Uzbekistan a number of books by exiled opposition leader
Muhammed Solih that are unofficially prohibited by the Uzbek authorities.

The Uzbek Ministry of Foreign Affairs information agency (Jahon) published
a statement claiming all the proceedings brought against Turaeva had been
within the law. The statement also included some of Turaeva's testimony to
the appeals court, in which she "confessed" to her "crimes," renounced work
she had done as a human rights defender, and denounced her colleagues.

"The authorities insist that Turaeva's prosecution had no political
motivation, but the references in the statement to her human rights work
and affiliations belie this," said Cartner. "We're more convinced than ever
that she was prosecuted and imprisoned unjustly."

In addition to her suspended sentence and three-year probation period,
Turaeva was ordered to pay a fine of 648,000 som (about US$515). Human
Rights Watch was unable to confirm the terms of Turaeva's probation.

At least 13 other human rights defenders remain in custody in Uzbekistan on
politically motivated charges ranging from "anti-state activities" and
slander to extortion.

"We urge the Uzbek government to free them at once," said Cartner. "And we
call on Uzbekistan's international partners to demand their unconditional

For additional Human Rights Watch reporting on Uzbekistan, please visit:

For more information, please contact:
In Hamburg, Andrea Berg (English, German, Russian): +49-163-760-9963
In New York, Rachel Denber (English, Russian): +1-212-216-1266

**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole
responsibility of Human Rights Watch**

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IFEX Autolist – Fiji Islands (IFJ slams government’s deportation and blacklisting of New Zealand journalist)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ),

Media Release: Fiji
June 18, 2007

IFJ slams Fijian government's deportation and blacklisting of New Zealand

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has slammed the Fijian
government for the detainment and deportation of deporting a New Zealand
journalist as an attack on the freedom of the press.

According to local reports, Fairfax journalist Michael Field was detained
on arrival at Suva airport and informed he had been "blacklisted", before
being deported several hours later on June 15.

Field, who arrived in Fiji to cover the diplomatic crisis resulting from
Fiji's decision to expel New Zealand's high commissioner, was reportedly
deported in response the government's unhappiness over critical stories he
had earlier written on the military-imposed Fijian government.

"The blacklisting arrest and deportation of a foreign journalists strikes
at the heart of democracy and a free media," IFJ Asia-Pacific Director
Jacqueline Park said.

According to IFJ New Zealand affiliate, the Engineering, Printing and
Manufacturing Union (EPMU), this was an action clearly calculated to
intimidate and silence voices critical of the regime.

"Intimidation towards foreign and local journalists in Fiji is unacceptable
and raises genuine concerns about the government's commitment to a free
press and democratic society," Park said.

"In promoting democracy in the country, the Fijian government must allow
journalists to move freely, and report without fear or favour."

For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +61 2 9333 0919
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 115 countries

**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole
responsibility of IFJ**

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CAMBODIA Threat (government's banning of report, threat by governor's brother show lack of commitment to free expression, says Human Rights Watch)

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


20 June 2007

Government's banning of report, threat by governor's brother show lack of
commitment to free expression, says Human Rights Watch

SOURCE: Human Rights Watch

**Updates IFEX alerts of 15 and 6 June 2007**

(HRW/IFEX) - The following is a 15 June 2007 Human Rights Watch press

Cambodia: Donors Must Hold Government Accountable
Banning of Forest Report Mocks Commitments to Human Rights

(New York, June 15, 2007) - Cambodia's international donors should not
accept any more empty promises from the Cambodian government on human
rights, the rule of law and good governance, Human Rights Watch said today.
The annual Consultative Group meeting of donors is scheduled to take place
in Phnom Penh on June 19-20, and donors are expected to pledge more than
US$600 million in additional aid for the next year.

Human Rights Watch said that the Cambodian government has made virtually no
progress in the past decade on key pledges to donors on the rule of law or
judicial independence. Impunity for human rights violations remains the
rule. Corruption is rampant. Natural resources are still being plundered.
Those who report on such abuses are threatened or harassed and sometimes
subject to violence.

"The $5 billion in aid plowed into Cambodia in the past decade has yielded
little in return for the donors or the Cambodian people," said Brad Adams,
Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The meeting has become an empty
annual ritual, with the government making and breaking promises every year.
There will be more promises made this year, but without serious donor
pressure they, too, will be broken."

Human Rights Watch called on the Cambodian government to rescind its June 3
order to "ban and collect" the recent report by Global Witness. The report,
"Cambodia's Family Trees," alleges illegal logging by individuals close to
Prime Minister Hun Sen. It also claims that the government's promises to
end illegal logging have been broken, that the army, military police and
police are deeply involved in illegal logging, and that funds from illegal
logging support Hun Sen's personal bodyguard unit, which has been
responsible for human rights abuses.

The government should officially repudiate reported statements by Kompong
Cham provincial governor Hun Neng, Hun Sen's brother. Hun Neng reportedly
said on June 11 that "If they come to Cambodia, I will hit them until
their heads are broken."

"The government's reaction to the Global Witness report shows its lack of
commitment to freedom of expression and public debate, and its continued
thuggish behavior," said Adams. "Donors should insist that the government
undertake a credible judicial investigation into the criminal activities
detailed in the report, rather than resort to violent threats against its
authors. Donors often complain about a lack of political will from the
government, but this will be a test of their political will, too."

Human Rights Watch said that donors have a major role to play in
determining Cambodia's future by continuing their assistance to civil
society and insisting that the government fully comply with commitments
made at successive donor meetings dating back to 1993. After billions of
dollars of donor support over the past 14 years, it is time for a clear and
unambiguous signal to be sent to the government. Donors should make it
clear that they can no longer accept previously unmet promises.

For more than a decade, donors have been providing aid equivalent to
roughly half Cambodia's national budget. As donors have noted, good
governance is directly linked to a country's pace of development. There is
little doubt that Cambodia's development continues to be slowed by the
country's poor governance.

"If donors are serious about development in Cambodia, they should start
generating momentum for real reform," said Adams. "They need to emphasize,
not marginalize, the links between human rights and development."

Development assistance and budgetary support should be contingent on the
government meeting agreed benchmarks on human rights, the rule of law, and
good governance, such as:

- Tackling impunity for human rights abuses, including the many
extrajudicial killings carried out during and after the July 1997 coup by
Hun Sen's government;

- Ceasing to harass and threaten civil society activists and opposition
party members;

- Ensuring that the rights of individuals and organizations to defend and
promote human rights are protected, including the right to peacefully
criticize and protest government policies, in accordance with the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the 1998 United
Nations General Assembly Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;

- Creating an independent and restructured National Election Committee;

- Liberalizing electronic media ownership rules, including allowing
transmitters of private, critical media to be as strong as those of
pro-government private stations;

- Complying fully with previous Consultative Group commitments to address
corruption and misuse of natural resources and other state assets; these
include public disclosure of information concerning management of land,
forests, mineral deposits and fisheries, as well as the location of
military development zones; and,

- Passing legislation on asset disclosure and anti-corruption that meets
international standards, and appointing an independent, international
external auditor for government finances.

Past meetings of the Consultative Group have been attended by 18 countries
and five intergovernmental organizations: Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand,
Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the
United States, plus the Asian Development Bank, the European Commission,
the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Development Program,
and the World Bank.

"The donors' list of conditions hardly changes over time, and the
government simply ignores them year after year," said Adams. "Hun Sen
continues to run circles around the donors, making the same empty promises
every year and laughing all the way to the bank."

For additional Human Rights Watch reporting on Cambodia, please visit:

For further information, contact Sophie Richardson, Washington, DC, mobile:
+1 917 721 7473; Brad Adams, London, mobile: +44 79 0872 8333; or Human
Rights Watch, Washington Office, 1522 K Street, N.W., Washington D.C.
20005-1202, U.S.A., tel: +1 202 371 6592, fax: +1 202 371 0124, e-mail:, Internet:

The information contained in this update is the sole responsibility of
Human Rights Watch. In citing this material for broadcast or publication,
please credit Human Rights Watch.
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
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BRAZIL Bulletin (university professor convicted of defamation; his one-year prison sentence reduced to community service)

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


20 June 2007

University professor convicted of defamation; his one-year prison sentence
reduced to community service


(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) - The following is a 15 June 2007 ARTICLE 19 press

University professor sentenced to one year in prison for defamation will
have his appeal reviewed in court today

Professor Emir Sader was sentenced in October 2006 to one year in prison
for an article published online in May 2005, in which he accuses Senator
Jorge Bornhausen of being elitist, bourgeois, fascist and racist. He was
also dismissed from his position as a professor with the Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro.

"ARTICLE 19 urges the São Paulo Court to abide by Brazil's international
obligations in the area of freedom of expression and acquit Professor
Sader. Criminal defamation is an unjustifiable limitation on freedom of
expression, particularly when it results in excessive and disproportional
sanctions as in the case of Professor Sader," said Dr. Agnes Callamard,
executive director of ARTICLE 19.

During a seminar with entrepreneurs in August 2005, Senator Bornhausen was
asked if he was unhappy with the political crisis then faced by the
country, to which he replied that, on the contrary, he was happy because
"we would be free from this race for the next 30 years", referring, as he
later confirmed, to politicians from the Worker's Party (President Lula's

In response to this statement, Professor Sader published an article on the
website of the news agency Carta Maior (where he is a columnist) in which
he accused Senator Bornhausen in the terms above mentioned. Reacting
against the article, Mr. Bornhausen filed a criminal defamation lawsuit
against the professor, based on the defamation provisions of the 1967 Press
Law. After reviewing the case the judge sentenced Professor Sader to the
maximum sanction foreseen for defamation in the Press Law and, in addition,
held that Mr. Sader had taken advantage of his position as a well-known
university professor and had abused his position as civil servant. As a
consequence, the judge also sentenced Professor Sader to dismissal from his
position as a professor with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The
prison sentence was converted (due to compulsory legal provisions) to
community service for 8 hours a day for the same period. The judge stressed
that the plaintiff's prominent position as a Senator should be taken into
consideration when analysing the case, increasing the "wrongdoing" caused
by the published offenses.

Today, the São Paulo Court will review the appeals in the case. Both
plaintiff and defendant, as well as the Public Prosecutor's Office, have
questioned the judge's decision.

ARTICLE 19 considers criminal defamation to constitute an unjustifiable
limitation on freedom of expression. This position is shared by the OAS
Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, who has stated that
"(c)riminal defamation is not a justifiable restriction on freedom of
expression; all criminal defamation laws should be abolished and replaced,
where necessary, with appropriate civil defamation laws."

ARTICLE 19 also disagrees with the judge's arguments concerning the
application of greater protection to the reputation of public officials
such as elected senators. International human rights courts have
consistently held that public officials should tolerate more, not less,
criticism than ordinary citizens. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights,
for example, stated that:

"(I)t is logical and appropriate that statements concerning public
officials and other Individuals who exercise functions of a public nature
should be accorded, in the terms of Article 13(2) of the Convention, a
certain latitude in the broad debate on matters of public interest that is
essential for the functioning of a truly democratic system . . . A
different threshold of protection should be applied, which is not based on
the nature of the subject, but on the characteristic of public interest
inherent in the activities or acts of a specific individual. Those
individuals who have an influence on matters of public interest have laid
themselves open voluntarily to a more intense public scrutiny and,
consequently, in this domain, they are subject to a higher risk of being
criticized, because their activities go beyond the private sphere and
belong to the realm of public debate."

ARTICLE 19 is an independent human rights organisation that works globally
to protect and promote the right to freedom of expression. It takes its
name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which
guarantees free speech.

For further information, contact ARTICLE 19, 6-8 Amwell Street, London,
EC1R 1UQ, U.K., tel: +44 20 7278 9292, fax: +44 20 7278 7660, e-mail:, Internet:

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of
ARTICLE 19. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please
credit ARTICLE 19.
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IFEX Autolist - Sri Lanka (FMM coordinating international mission by IFJ, IPI and RSF to investigate decline in media freedom)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Free Media Movement (FMM),

Press release

18th June 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka: In the context of a significant erosion
of human rights and media freedom in Sri Lanka, an International Press
Freedom and Freedom of Expression Mission to Sri Lanka will takes place
from 18 - 23 June 2007 following up the work and recommendations of the
first mission in October 2006. During its sojourn in Sri Lanka, the mission
will look into reasons for the disturbing decline in media freedom and draw
up concrete recommendations to support the development of professional
journalism within an enabling political environment.

Eleven international press freedom organisations constitute the mission,
including representatives from the International Federation of Journalists
(IFJ), International Media Support (IMS), International Press Institute
(IPI) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The mission will visit Jaffna,
the Northern Province and Ampara in Eastern Province in order to obtain
first hand information on the prevailing ground conditions and the impact
of the escalation of hostilities on media and journalists.

Members of the mission will participate in the series of discussions with
government leaders and officials, political party leaders including the
Leader of the Opposition, media community including Editors, human rights
organizations and the diplomatic community.

Sri Lanka Working Journalists' Association (SLWJA), Federation of Media
Employees Trade Unions (FMETU), Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka Tamil
Media Alliance (SLTMA) and the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum (SLMMF)
together with Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) and Sri Lanka Media
Commission will host the mission jointly. The mission is coordinated by the

The mission visited Sri Lanka in October 2006 and produced Press Freedom
and Freedom of Expression in Sri Lanka- Struggle for survival. This is the
first follow-up mission that will focus on advocacy for Freedom of
Expression rights based on this report in light of recent developments.

The mission will hold a press conference on 22nd June at 10.30am at Galle
Face Hotel, Colombo.

Thomas Hughes from International Media Support, David Dadge from
International Press Institute, Jacqui Park from International Federation of
Journalists, Vincent Brossel from Reporters Sans Frontières, Sukumar
Muralidharan from International Federation of Journalists - South Asia and
Surendra Nihal Singh from the South Asia Media Commission will take part in
the press conference.

Sunanda Deshapriya – 0777 312457
Free Media Movement

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responsibility of FMM**

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THE GAMBIA Bulletin (MFWA sues government at ECOWAS Court over "disappeared" journalist)

THE GAMBIA: MFWA sues government at ECOWAS Court over "disappeared"
GAMBIE: La MFWA porte plainte contre le gouvernement auprès de la Cour de
la CEDEAO pour la "disparition" d'un journaliste

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


20 June 2007

MFWA sues government at ECOWAS Court over "disappeared" journalist

SOURCE: Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Accra

**Updates IFEX alerts of 26 February and 18 January 2007, 18 October, 19
and 17 July 2006**

(MFWA/IFEX) - The Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of
West African States (ECOWAS) in Abuja, Nigeria has issued a hearing notice
for a suit filed against the Republic of Gambia by the Media Foundation for
West Africa (MFWA) on behalf of a "disappeared" Gambian journalist, Chief
Ebrima Manneh, reporter of pro-government Banjul-based "Daily Observer"

This follows an application filed on behalf of the journalist by MFWA
through its Journalists' Legal Defence Programme. The application seeks an
order from the sub-regional court to compel the government of President
Yahya Jammeh to immediately release Chief Manneh and compensate him

The court has fixed July 10, 2007 for the hearing. The date coincides with
the eve of the first anniversary of Manneh's arrest and incarceration.
Colleagues of Manneh witnessed his arrest by two plain-clothed personnel of
the notorious political police, the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), at
the "Daily Observer's" premises on July 11, 2006. But the government and
police claim they do not know the whereabouts of Manneh. Simply, he is

The writ, filed by Nigerian human rights lawyer Femi Falana, a member of
the MFWA Legal Defence Network, said that the arrest of Manneh without
warrant and his continual detention is unlawful and a violation of his
right as guaranteed under Articles 4, 5 and 7 of the African Charter on
Human and People's Rights. It also violates Article 6 of the African
Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights which guarantees his right to personal

The Gambian government has blatantly refused several requests from human
rights groups to either release or charge Manneh if he has committed any

In a reaction to the continuous demands for the release of Manneh, the
Gambia Police Force, after eight months of the journalist's disappearance,
on 21 February 2007 officially denied ever arresting him and urged the
general public to furnish it with any "relevant" information about him.
MFWA sources have indicated earlier that, after his arrest, Manneh was
detained variously at the NIA Headquarters, Mile Two Central Prison,
Kartong Police Station, Sibanor Police Station, Kuntaur Police Station, and
then at Fatoto Police Station, where he was last spotted after 188 days

Gambian media practitioners have been subjected to unlawful arrests,
detentions, murder, and closure of newspapers resulting in several
journalists escaping into exile. Those who have chosen to remain in the
country practice self-censorship as a means of protection.

The MFWA and the Network of African Freedom of Expression Organizations
(NAFEO) have launched a campaign to end the impunity and attacks on free
expression in the Gambia, and have published a 63-page dossier of press
freedom abuses since President Jammeh came to power in 1994.

The MFWA is a regional independent, non-profit, non-governmental
organization based in Accra. It was founded in 1997 to defend and promote
the rights and freedom of the media and all forms of expression.

For further information, contact Jeannette Quarcoopome, Media Foundation
for West Africa, 30 Duade Street, Kokomlemle, P.O. Box LG 730, Legon,
Ghana, tel: +233 21 24 24 70, fax: +231 21 22 10 84, e-mail:, Internet:

The information contained in this update is the sole responsibility of
MFWA. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit
555 Richmond St. West, # 1101, PO Box 407
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3B1
tel: +1 416 515 9622 fax: +1 416 515 7879
alerts e-mail: general e-mail:
Internet site:
IFEX - Nouvelles de la communauté internationale de défense de la liberté


Le 20 juin 2007

La MFWA porte plainte contre le gouvernement auprès de la Cour de la CEDEAO
pour la "disparition" d'un journaliste

SOURCE: Fondation des Médias pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest (MFWA), Accra

**Mise à jour d'alertes de l'IFEX du 26 février et 18 janvier 2007, 18
octobre, 19 et 17 juillet 2006**

(MFWA/IFEX) - La Cour Communautaire de Justice de la Communauté Economique
des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) basée à Abuja, au Nigéria a
donné un avis d'audition du procès intenté contre la République de la
Gambie par la Fondation des Médias pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest (MFWA) au nom
du journaliste gambien "disparu", Chief Ebrima Manneh, reporter au "Daily
Observer", un journal progouvernemental basé à Banjul.

Cette action fait suite à la demande déposée au nom du journaliste par la
MFWA, à travers son programme de défense juridique destiné aux
journalistes. Elle demande à la Cour sous-régionale de donner une
injonction qui pourrait contraindre le gouvernement du Président Yahya
Jammeh à libérer immédiatement Chief Manneh et à le dédommager de manière

La Cour a fixé l'audition au 10 juillet 2007. Cette date coïncide avec la
veille de l'anniversaire de l'arrestation et de l'incarcération de Manneh.
Certains collègues de Manneh ont été témoins de son arrestation par deux
agents en tenue civile de la redoutable Agence Nationale des Renseignements
(NIA) autour des locaux du "Daily Observer", le 11 juillet 2006. Toutefois,
le gouvernement et la police prétendent qu'ils ne savent pas où se trouve
Manneh. Il a simplement disparu.

Selon l'acte judiciaire déposé par l'avocat nigérian des droits humains
Femi Falana, un membre du Réseau de défense juridique de la MFWA,
l'arrestation de Manneh et son incarcération constituent des actes illégaux
et une violation de ses droits garantis par les articles 4, 5 et 7 de la
Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples qui garantit son
droit à la liberté personnelle.

Le gouvernement gambien a rejeté de manière flagrante plusieurs requêtes
des structures de défense des droits humains lui demandant de libérer
Manneh ou de le poursuivre en justice s'il a commis une infraction

En réaction aux demandes continues de la libération de Manneh, la police
gambienne a, le 21 février 2007, soit huit mois après la disparition du
journaliste, officiellement nié l'avoir jamais arrêté et exhorté le public
à lui fournir toute information "pertinente" le concernant.

Les sources de la MFWA ont déjà indiqué qu'après son arrestation, Manneh a
été successivement détenu au Quartier Général de la NIA, à la prison
centrale de Mile Two ainsi qu'aux postes de police de Kartong, de Sibanor
et de Kauntaur. Ensuite, il a été envoyé au poste de police de Fatoto où il
a été aperçu pour la première fois, après avoir été gardé au secret pendant
188 jours.

Les professionnels des médias de la Gambie ont fait l'objet d'arrestations,
de détentions, d'assassinats et de fermetures illégales de leurs locaux.
Ceci a obligé plusieurs d'entre eux à partir en exil. Ceux qui sont restés
s'autocensurent pour se protéger.

La MFWA et le Réseau des Organisations de Défense de la Liberté
d'Expression (NAFEO) ont lancé une campagne en vue de mettre fin à
l'impunité et aux agressions perpétrées contre la liberté d'expression en
Gambie et ont publié un dossier de 63 pages sur les abus de la liberté de
presse depuis que le Président Jammeh est parvenu au pouvoir en 1994.

La MFWA est une organisation régionale, indépendante, non gouvernementale à
but non lucratif basée à Accra. Elle a été fondée en 1997 pour défendre et
promouvoir les droits et libertés des médias ainsi que toute forme

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, veuillez contacter Jeannette
Quarcoopome, Fondation des Médias pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest, 30 Duade
Street, Kokomlemle, P.O. Box LG 730, Legon, Ghana, tél: +233 21 24 24 70,
téléc: +231 21 22 10 84, courrier électronique:,

MFWA est responsable de toute information contenue dans cette mise à jour.
En citant cette information, prière de bien vouloir l'attribuer à MFWA.
555, rue Richmond Ouest, Bureau 1101, B.P. 407
Toronto (Ontario) M5V 3B1 Canada
tél: +1 416 515 9622 téléc: +1 416 515 7879
courrier électronique: boîte générale:
site Internet:

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IFEX Autolist - Mexico (IAPA calls for full investigation into attack on journalist in Oaxaca)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Inter American Press Association (IAPA),

The English version follows. La versión en inglés se encuentra más abajo.

Solicita la SIP exhaustiva investigación en atentado contra periodista en
Oaxaca, México

Miami (15 de junio de 2007).- La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) se
mostró preocupada por el atentado contra Misael Sánchez Sarmiento,
reportero del diario El Tiempo, de Oaxaca, México, incidente que se suma a
numerosos hechos de violencia ocurridos en el país en los últimos meses.

El 12 de junio Sánchez Sarmiento, reportero del área política del periódico
El Tiempo de Oaxaca, recibió tres disparos de bala por parte de un
desconocido cuando se encontraba frente a su casa. El periodista, herido en
el rostro y una pierna, fue sometido a una intervención quirúrgica y aunque
se encuentra estable no ha podido prestar declaración, dijo Luis Ramírez
Hernández, coordinador general de información del diario, en entrevista con
la Unidad de Respuesta Rápida de la SIP en México. Se desconoce el móvil
del atentado.

"Es fundamental que las autoridades investiguen el atentado de manera
exhaustiva y expedida para conocer las causas e identificar a los
responsables. Es una necesidad en México donde observamos que las
diferencias de opinión parecieran resolverse con la agresión", expresó
Gonzalo Marroquín, presidente de la Comisión de Libertad de Prensa e
Información, quien destacó que México se ha convertido en el país en el que
es más peligroso el ejercicio periodístico.

Sánchez Sarmiento tiene 15 años de experiencia en el ejercicio periodístico
y es fundador de El Tiempo. El periodista tuvo bajo su responsabilidad la
cobertura de las movilizaciones sociales registradas en Oaxaca hace unos
meses. También ha dado seguimiento a las indagaciones por el asesinato de
Bradley Roland Will, camarógrafo y documentalista estadounidense del portal
electrónico Indymedia. El crimen ocurrió el 27 de octubre de 2006 durante
un enfrentamiento entre autoridades de Oaxaca y el grupo social Asamblea
Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO).

En diciembre pasado Sánchez Sarmiento fue amenazado por una persona que
alegó que información confiada al periodista y publicada en el diario sobre
el asesinato de Will, ponía en riesgo su vida. La nota implicó a un
activista de la APPO en el asesinato del periodista estadounidense.

En lo que va del año han sido asesinados en México los siguientes
periodistas: Saúl Martínez Ortega de Sonora y Amado Ramírez de Guerrero;
mientras sigue desaparecido Rodolfo Rincón Taracena de Tabasco. También se
han registrado numeroso "levantotes" o secuestros momentáneos como método
de intimidación contra periodistas en diferentes partes del país.

IAPA calls for full investigation into attack on journalist in Oaxaca,

MIAMI, Florida (June 15, 2007)—The Inter American Press Association (IAPA)
today expressed concern at an attack on Misael Sánchez Sarmiento, a
reporter for the Oaxaca, Mexico, newspaper El Tiempo, the latest in a
series of violent incidents in the country in recent months.

On July 12 Sánchez Sarmiento, who covers the police beat for the newspaper
in Oaxaca in southern Mexico, was shot at three times outside his home by
an unidentified assailant. Wounded in the face and leg, he underwent
surgery and although stable, he has been unable to make a statement to
police, Luis Ramírez Hernández, the newspaper's news editor, said in an
interview with the IAPA's Rapid Response Unit in Mexico. The motive for the
attack was not immediately known.

"It is essential that the authorities investigate the assault exhaustively
and promptly to establish the causes and identify those responsible. This
is must in Mexico, where differences of opinion are often resolved through
aggression," declared Gonzalo Marroquín, chairman of the IAPA's Committee
on Freedom of the Press and Information, adding that Mexico has become the
most dangerous country in which to be a reporter.

Sánchez Sarmiento has been a journalist for 15 years and was the founder of
El Tiempo. He was responsible for coverage of street demonstrations in
Oaxaca several months ago. He has also followed up inquiries into the
murder of Bradley Roland Will, an American cameraman and documentary maker
for the Web site Indymedia, he was killed on October 27 last year during
clashes between Oaxaca police and members of the self-styled Popular
Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) group.

Last December Sánchez Sarmiento was received threats from a person who
claimed that his own life was at stake because of the newspaper's report of
information he had given confidentially about Will's death. The report
implicated an APPO activist in the murder.

So far this year, journalists killed in Mexico have been Saúl Martínez
Ortega of Sonora state and Amado Ramírez of Guerrero, while Rodolfo Rincón
Taracena of Tabasco has gone missing. There have also been numerous reports
of short-term kidnappings carried out to intimidate journalists around the

InterAmerican Press Association • 1801 SW 3 Ave • Miami • FL • 33129

**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole
responsibility of IAPA**
**Esta información es responsabilidad de la SIP**

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IFEX Autolist - Colombia (RSF shocked as regional radio station founder murdered)

**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**

To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Reporters Without Borders (RSF),

The English version follows. La versión en inglés se encuentra más abajo.

Reporteros sin Fronteras
Comunicado de prensa
15 de junio de 2007



Reporteros sin Fronteras manifiesta horror y tristeza ante el anuncio del
asesinato de Garrid Muñoz Tello, de 68 años, fundador de la emisora de
radio La Voz del Cinaruco, ocurrido el 14 de junio de 2007. Dos personas
dispararon sobre el periodista cuando iba en su coche, en los alrededores
de Villavicencio (Departamento de Meta, Centro).

"A pesar de que la situación de la libertad de prensa sigue siendo
enormemente crítica en Colombia, los asesinatos de periodistas han tenido
tendencia a disminuir en estos últimos años. La muerte de Garrid Muñoz
Tello viene a recordar que el país sigue siendo uno de los más peligrosos
del mundo para la prensa. Naturalmente nos alegramos de la inmediata
captura de sus presuntos asesinos. Exigimos que se diga si el móvil tenía
alguna relación con la actividad profesional de la víctima", ha declarado
Reporteros sin Fronteras.

En la noche del 14 de junio, cuando iba a volante de su automóvil, Garrid
Muñoz Tello fue abordado por un hombre y una mujer armados que
inmediatamente efectuaron varios disparos sobre él. La policía anunció
enseguida la captura y encarcelamiento de dos personas.

El periodista asesinado era conocido por sus feroces ataques a algunos
políticos locales, y a los grupos armados. "Garrid Muñoz Tello nunca dudó
en decir la verdad a sus interlocutores. A veces lo hacía con ese
espléndido sentido del humor que le caracterizaba, y que ahora nos falta, y
a veces lo hacía con un tono mucho más serio e incisivo", ha declarado la
redacción de La Voz del Cinaruco a la Agencia France-Presse.

La sede de La Voz del Cinaruco está situada en el Departamento de Arauca
(Este), fronterizo con Venezuela, donde causan estragos las guerrillas de
las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) y del Ejército de
Liberación Nacional (ELN, actualmente en conversaciones de paz con el
gobierno), y algunos paramilitares de extrema derecha que se han negado a
desmovilizarse. También hay un comando de élite del ejército norteamericano
que presta apoyo a las fuerzas armadas colombianas en la lucha contra la
guerrilla y la protección de un oleoducto petrolero, propiedad de la
multinacional norteamericana Occidental Petroleum, que atraviesa el
territorio. El departamento es también uno de los puntos de paso del

Garrid Muñoz Tello es el primer periodista colombiano asesinado desde el
comienzo del año 2007.

15 June 2007

Regional radio station founder murdered, two suspects quickly arrested

Reporters Without Borders today voiced shock and sadness in reaction to the
murder yesterday of Garrid Muñoz Tello, aged 68, founder of radio La Voz
del Cinaruco, who was gunned down by a man and a woman as he drove his car
in Villavicencio, in the central department of Meta. Police quickly said
they had arrested and detained two people.

"While the state of press freedom has remained highly critical in Colombia,
murders of journalists have tended to decrease in recent years," the
worldwide press freedom organisation said. "The death of Garrid Muñoz Tello
is a reminder that this country is still one of the most dangerous in the
world for the press."

"Naturally, we are pleased at the immediate arrest of his suspected
killers. We very much need to know if their motives were linked to their
victim's work," it added.

The murdered journalist was a fierce critic of several local politicians
and armed groups. "Garrid Muñoz Tello was never afraid to tell the truth.
Sometimes he did it with a radiant sense of humour that was typical of him,
which we will miss from now on, and sometimes much more seriously and
incisively," editorial staff at La Voz del Cinaruco told Agence

The headquarters of La Voz del Cinaruco is based in the eastern department
of Arauca on the border with Venezuela, which is rife with guerrillas from
the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), the National Liberation
Army (ELN), currently in peace talks with the government, and extreme-right
para-militaries, which have refused to disarm.

A US Army elite commando is currently working with Colombian armed forces
in the struggle against guerrillas and to protect an oil pipeline, which
transits the area, owned by North American multinational, Occidental
Petroleum. The department is also on a notorious drugs route

Garrid Muñoz Tello was the first Colombian journalist to be murdered since
the start of 2007.

-- Benoît Hervieu
Despacho Américas / Americas desk
Reporters sans frontières
5, rue Geoffroy-Marie
75009 Paris - France

tél. : +33 (0) 1 44 83 84 68
fax : +33 (0) 1 45 23 11 51
e-mail :
/ (en français)

**Esta información es responsabilidad de del RSF**
**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole
responsibility of RSF**

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